Unit I 


Unit II 


Unit III

Types of immunity- humoral immunity, cellular immunity 

d) General method of the preparation of bacterial vaccines, toxoids, viral vaccine, antitoxins, serum-immune blood derivatives and other products relative to immunity. 

e) Storage conditions and stability of official vaccines

Unit IV

a) Immuno blotting techniques- 

Unit V 

c) Study of the production of  

Recommended Books (Latest edition): 

1. B.R. Glick and J.J. Pasternak: Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of RecombinantDNA: ASM Press Washington D.C. 
2. RA Goldshy et. al., : Kuby Immunology. 
3. J.W. Goding: Monoclonal Antibodies. 
4. J.M. Walker and E.B. Gingold: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology by Royal Society of Chemistry. 
5. Zaborsky: Immobilized Enzymes, CRC Press, Degraland, Ohio.
6. S.B. Primrose: Molecular Biotechnology (Second Edition) Blackwell Scientific Publication. 
7. Stanbury F., P., Whitakar A., and Hall J., S., Principles of fermentation technology, 2nd edition, Aditya books Ltd., New Delhi

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