01 Introduction
02 General organization of plants and its inclusions
03 Plant tissues
04 Plant kingdom and its classification
05 Morphology of plants
06 Root, Stem, Leaf and Its modifications07 Inflorescence and Pollination of flowers
08 Morphology of fruits and seeds
09 Plant physiology
10 Taxonomy of
11 Study of Fungi, Yeast, Penicillin and Bacteria
01 Study of Animal cell
02 Study animal tissues
03 Detailed study of frog
04 Study of Pisces, Raptiles, Aves
05 Genearal organization of mammals
06 Study of poisonous animals
1.Introduction of biology experiments
2. Study of cell wall constituents and cell inclusions
3. Study of Stem modifications
4. Study of Root modifications
5. Study of Leaf modifications
6. Identification of Fruits and seeds
7. Preparation of Permanent slides
8. T.S. of Senna, Cassia, Ephedra, Podophyllum.
9. Simple plant physiological experiments
10. Identification of animals
11. Detailed study of Frog
12. Computer based tutorials