Unit I
a) Cell and Molecular Biology: Definitions theory and basics and Applications.
b) Cell and Molecular Biology: History and Summation.
c) Properties of cells and cell membrane.
d) Prokaryotic versus Eukaryotic
e) Cellular Reproduction
f) Chemical Foundations – an Introduction and Reactions (Types)
b) Cell and Molecular Biology: History and Summation.
c) Properties of cells and cell membrane.
d) Prokaryotic versus Eukaryotic
e) Cellular Reproduction
f) Chemical Foundations – an Introduction and Reactions (Types)
Unit II
a) DNA and the Flow of Molecular Information
b) DNA Functioning
c) DNA and RNA
d) Types of RNA
e) Transcription and Translation
Unit III
a) Proteins: Defined and Amino Acids
b) Protein Structure
c) Regularities in Protein Pathways
d) Cellular Processes
e) Positive Control and significance of Protein Synthesis
Unit IV
a) Science of Genetics
b) Transgenics and Genomic Analysis
c) Cell Cycle analysis
d) Mitosis and Meiosis
e) Cellular Activities and Checkpoints
Unit V
a) Cell Signals: Introduction
b) Receptors for Cell Signals
c) Signaling Pathways: Overview
d) Misregulation of Signaling Pathways
e) Protein-Kinases: Functioning
Recommended Books (latest edition):
1. W.B. Hugo and A.D. Russel: Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Blackwell Scientific
publications, Oxford London.
2. Prescott and Dunn., Industrial Microbiology, 4th edition, CBS Publishers &
Distributors, Delhi.
3. Pelczar, Chan Kreig, Microbiology, Tata McGraw Hill edn.
4. Malcolm Harris, Balliere Tindall and Cox: Pharmaceutical Microbiology.
5. Rose: Industrial Microbiology.
6. Probisher, Hinsdill et al: Fundamentals of Microbiology, 9th ed. Japan
7. Cooper and Gunn’s: Tutorial Pharmacy, CBS Publisher and Distribution.
8. Peppler: Microbial Technology.
9. Edward: Fundamentals of Microbiology.
10. N.K.Jain: Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi
11. Bergeys manual of systematic bacteriology, Williams and Wilkins- A Waverly
12. B.R. Glick and J.J. Pasternak: Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and
Applications of RecombinantDNA: ASM Press Washington D.C.
13. RA Goldshy et. al., : Kuby Immunology.